Relação da Viagem de Vasco da Gama
8 de Julho 1497 - 25 Abril 1499

Travel log of Vasco da Gama's Voyage
8th of July 1497 - 25th of April 1499

Na era de 1497 mandou El-Rei Dom Manuel, o primeiro deste nome em Portugal, a descobrir ...

In the era of 1497, King Manuel, the first of that name in Portugal, sent to discover...

15 Julho 1497 | 15th July 1497

... a Terra Alta, onde fezemos pescaria obra de duas oras (...) E foi de noute tamanha a çarraçam que se perdeo Paulo da Gama de toda a frota por hum cabo, e pelo outro o Capitam-moor.

... the "Terra Alta", where we fish for two hours (...) And it was in the night that the sails were so great that Paulo da Gama and the entire fleet were lost by one cape, and by the other the chief captain.

23-27 Julho 1497 | 23rd-27th July 1497

(...) onde tirámos muitas bombardas e tanjemos trombetas, e tudo com muito prazer polo termos achado.

(...) where we took many bombs and played trumpets, and all with great pleasure to have found.

8-9 Novembro 1497 | 8th-9th November 1497

E andam cubertos com peles e trazem hũas bainhas em suas naturas e têm muitos cãees como os de Portugal, e asy mesmo laadram.

As avees desta terra sam asy mesmo como as de Portugal e as mercadorias eram canela e cravo e aljôfar e ouro e asy outras cousas.

And they are covered with skins and they wear sheaths in their body parts and they have many dogs like those in Portugal, and even so they bark.

The birds of this land are the same as those of Portugal and the goods were cinnamon and cloves and perls and gold and asy other things.

19 Novembro 1497 | 19th November 1497

E à quarta-feira, ao meio dia, passámos pelo dito Cabo ao longo da costa com vento à popa.

And on Wednesday, at noon, we passed by the said Cape along the coast with wind behind.

22 Novembro 1497 | 22nd November 1497

com este Cabo de Boa-Esperança, ao sul, jaz hũa angra muito grande que entra pela terra bem seis légoas e em boca averá bem outras tantas.

with this Cape of Good Hope, to the south, lies a very large creek entering the land for six leagues and many more.

25 novembro 1497 | 25th November 1497

Em 25 dias do dito mês de novembro, um sábado à tarde, dia de Santa Catarina, entrámos em a angra de São Brás, onde estivemos treze dias, (...) desfizemos a nau que levava os mantimentos e os recolhemos aos navios.

On the 25th day of the said month of November, on a Saturday afternoon, Saint Catherine's day, we entered the São Brás cove, where we stayed for thirteen days, (...) We dismantled the ship carrying the provisions and took them back to the ships.

2 Dezembro 1497 | 2nd Dezember 1497

... e eles começaram logo de tanjer quatro ou cinco frautas ... e a carne dele era saborosa como a de Portugal.

... and they immediately started playing four or five flutes ... and its meat was as tasty as Portugal's.

3 Dezembro 1497 | 3rd December 1497

Os bois desta terra sam muito grandes, como os d'Alemtejo, e muito gordos a maravilha e muito mansos; e sam capados, e deles nom têm cornos.

... em este ilhéo há muitos lobos marinhos. E deles sam tam grandes como ussos muito grandes e sam muito temerosos e têm muito grandes dentes e vêm-se aos homens ... as quaees aves azurram como asnos.

The oxen of this land are very big, like the ones from Alentejo, and very fat to marvel and very tame; and they are hooded, and they have no horns.

... on this islet there are many seals. And they are as big as bears and they are very fearful and they have very big teeth and they attack men ... birds bray like donkeys.

12 Janeiro 1498 | 12nd January 1498

E as casas desta terra sam de palha, e as armas desta gente sam arcos muito grandes e frechas e azagaias de ferro. (...) E a esta terra posemos nome Terra da Boa-Gente; e ao rio, do Cobre.

And the houses of this land are made of straw, and the weapons of these people are very large bows and arrows and javelins of iron. (...) And to this land we named the Land of Good People; and to the river, Copper.

12 Janeiro 1498 | 12nd January 1498
12 Janeiro 1498 | 12nd January 1498

22 Janeiro 1498 | 22nd January 1498

... sam homens de bõos corpos e andam nus; sòomente trazem huns panos d'algodam pequenos com que cobrem suas vergonhas...

...they are men with good bodies and walk around naked; they only bring a few small cotton cloths with which they cover their shame...

2 Março 1498 | 2nd March 1498

Os homens desta terra sam ruivos e de bõos corpos e da seita de Mafamede e falam como mouros ... E todos trazem toucas nas cabeças com vivos de seda lavrados com fio d'ouro ... navios deles que traziam ouro, prata, e pano, e cravo e pimenta e gingivre e anés de prata com muitas perlas e aljôfar e robis...

Mais nos disseram que Prestes Joham estava dali perto e que tinha muitas cidades ao longo do mar ... mas que o Preste Joham estava muito dentro pelo sartãoo e que nom podiam lá ir senam em camelos. (...) do que éramos tam ledos que com prazer chorávamos e rogávamos a Deus...

The men of this land are red-haired and with good bodies and from the sect of Mafamede and speak like Moors... And they all wear caps on their heads with golden silk strips ... their ships that brought gold, silver, and cloth, and cloves and pepper and ginger and silver rings with many pearls and aljofar and rubies...

More they told us that Prestes Joham was nearby and that there were many cities along the sea ... but that Prester John was very deep inside and that they could not go there except on camels. (...) than we were so happy that we wept with pleasure and prayed to God...

11 Março 1498 | 11th March 1498

E ao domingo dissemos nossa missa em a ilha debaixo de hum arvoredo muito alto.

As palmeiras desta terra dam hum frutu tam grande como melões, e o miolo de dentro é o que comem e sabe como junça avelanada (...)

E depois que souberam que nós éramos christãoos, ordenaram de nos tomarem e matarem à treiçam (...)

And on Sunday we had our mass on the island under a very tall grove.

The palm trees of this land bear fruit as big as melons, and the core inside is what they eat and tastes like hazelnut (...)

And after they learned that we were Christians, they ordered us to be taken and killed in treachery (...)

24 Março 1498 | 24th March 1498

(...) nas almadias achámos muitos panos d'algodam finos e seiras de palma e hũa talha vidrada de manteiga e arredomas de vidraço com ágoas e livros da sua lei e hum cofre com muitas meadas de algodam e hũa rede (...)

(...) in the boats we found many fine cotton cloths and palm sashes and there is a glazed carving of butter and glass bottles with water and books of their law and a coffer with many skeins of cotton and a net (...)

7 Abril 1498 | 7th April 1498

(...) em esta ilha de Mombaça estavam e viviam mouros e christãoos e que viviam apartados huns dos outros (...)

(...) on this island of Mombasa there were and lived Moors and Christians who lived apart from each other (...)

16 Abril 1498 | 16th April 1498

(...) o rei daquela vila (Melinde) mandou um seu cavaleiro e um xerife, e mandou três carneiros. E mandou dizer ao capitão que ele folgaria de entre eles haver paz e estarem bem.

(...) the king of that village (Malindi) sent his knight and a sheriff, and he sent three sheep. And he sent word to the captain that he would be glad to have peace among them and be well.

18 Abril 1498 | 18th April 1498

À quarta feira depois do jantar, veio el-rei em uma zavra, e veio junto dos navios e o capitão saiu em o seu batel, muito bem corregido, e como chegou onde el-rei estava, logo se o dito rei meteu com ele.

On Wednesday after dinner, the king came in a boat, and he came along with the ships and the captain left in his boat, very well corrected, and as he arrived where the king was, soon the said king got involved with him.

24 Abril 1498 | 24th April 1498

Aqui estivemos davante a vila nove dias. E em estes nove dias, sempre se faziam festas e muitas escaramuças de pé, e havia aqui muitos tangeres.

Here we were in the village for nine days. And in these nine days, there were always parties and many skirmishes and there was a lot of music here.

21 Maio 1498 | 21st May 1498

"Al diabro que te doo, quen te traxo acá?"

"To the devil with you, who bring you here?"

28 Maio 1498 | 28th May 1498

El-Rei estava em hum patim, lançado de costas em hũa camilha (...) segundo costume daquela terra, a qual é ajuntar as mãoos e alevantá-las pera o céu como costumam os christãos alevantar a Deus ...

E o Capitam lhe disse como ele era embaixador de hum rei de Portugal, o qual era senhor de muita terra e era muito rico de todas as cousas mais que nenhum rei daquelas partes.

The King was on a dais, thrown on his back on a hammock (...) according to the custom of that land, which is to put hands together and lift them to heaven as Christians are used to lifting up to God...

And the captain told him he was ambassador to the king of Portugal, who was lord of much land and was richer in all things than any king in those parts.

29 Maio 1498 | 29th May 1498

(...) El-Rei de Portugal lá tornasse a mandar, que entam lhe mandaria outras muitas cousas e muito mais ricas...

(...) The King of Portugal would send him there again, and then he would send him many other and much richer things...

30 Agosto 1498 | 30th August 1498

Desta terra de Calecute, que é chamada Índea Alta, vai a espiçiaria que se come em Ponente e em Levante e em Portugal...

From this land of Calicut, which is called High India, comes the spices that are eaten in West and East and in Portugal...

2 Janeiro 1499 | 2nd January 1499

(...) fomos a demandar a terra pera sabermos onde Nosso Senhor nos tinha lançados (...)

(...) we went to search the land to find out where Our Lord had cast us (...)

12 Janeiro 1499 | 12th January 1499

... passámos por junto com Mombaça; e ao Domingo fomos pousar em os Baixos de Sam Rafael, /.../ Aqui estevemos cinco dias, onde nos traziam de hũa vila ...

... we passed along with Mombasa; and on Sunday we landed at the shoals of Sam Rafael, /.../ Here we stayed for five days, where they brought us from a village ...

1 Fevereiro 1499 | 1st February 1499

... fomos põer em a ilha (de Moçambique) onde à ida disséramos missa hum padram...

... we put a column in the island (of Mozambique) where on the outward we said mass...

20 Março 1499 | 20th March 1499

... chegámos éramos de saúde e rijos e às vezes bem mortos de frio (...) E seguimos nosso caminho com grande desejo de chegarmos.

... we arrived healthy and strong and sometimes freezing to death (...) And we went on our way with a great desire to arrive.

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